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On the other hand, to block the reckless influx of foreign workers, the UK government restricts the hiring of foreign workers in the job categories of low-skilled workers and those for which employment is possible with short-term job training. It permits the employment of foreign workers in specific job categories falling under Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) Level 6 and shortage occupation categories.
Job categories falling under RQF Level 6 include Civil engineers, Nurses, Architects, Librarians, Midwife, Chartered and certified accountants, and Web design and development professionals. At present, a fast-tracked application process is applied to job categories in high demand such as engineering, healthcare, and teaching.NQF Level 6 Job CategoriesSince the job categories of Shortage Occupation are those that continually experience shortage of work in the UK, a work visa can be obtained rather easily with any wanted ad by the employer if the applicant is qualified for the job offered by the employer.