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tier 2 - general visa

The UK government has been developing immigration polices focusing on skilled technological immigrants who can communicate in English while reducing the influx of immigrants with basic or simple skills. The Tier 2 (General) is designed for skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area, who are coming to the UK to undertake a skilled job position that a UK employer has been otherwise unable to fill.

On the other hand, to block the reckless influx of foreign workers, the UK government restricts the hiring of foreign workers in the job categories of low-skilled workers and those for which employment is possible with short-term job training. It permits the employment of foreign workers in specific job categories falling under Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) Level 6 and shortage occupation categories.

Job categories falling under RQF Level 6 include Civil engineers, Nurses, Architects, Librarians, Midwife, Chartered and certified accountants, and Web design and development professionals. At present, a fast-tracked application process is applied to job categories in high demand such as engineering, healthcare, and teaching.NQF Level 6 Job CategoriesSince the job categories of Shortage Occupation are those that continually experience shortage of work in the UK, a work visa can be obtained rather easily with any wanted ad by the employer if the applicant is qualified for the job offered by the employer.