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ARIS International Lawyers provide immigration legal advice to clients seeking to legal stay in the UK,
whether for work, study or family reasons. We can provide a full range of advice services that you can access in whatever way suits you best.

As an OISC regulated organisation we are under a professional and legal obligation tol hold and handle confidential personal information securely and sensitively in compliance with the Data Protection Act and OISC regulations.

ARIS International Lawyers provides Immigration Services and Advice as per the Code of Conduct and Rules as specified by OISC, and in our comprehensive visa and immigration services include :

  • Advising you on the relevant requirements, relevant laws and procedures;
  • Advising you on the relevant documents to be submitted in support of your application;
  • Considering the contents of such documents and discussing the same with you;
  • Advising you on the weaknesses and strengths of your application;
  • Preparing a cover letter wherein we explain in detail how all the relevant requirements of the entry clearance are being satisfied; and → Preparing a cover letter wherein we explain in detail how all the relevant requirements of the particular visa(or entry clearance) are being satisfied; and
  • The completion of the paper or online application form;


The UK Government changes the immigration requirements, rules and regulations on a regular basis.
It is therefore extremely important to keep up-to-date with often-complex and frequently-changing immigration laws when applying for visas.
ARIS International lawyers stay on top of the changes in immigration law and can give you dvice about the best UK visa route according to your personal circumstances.