ARIS International Lawyers为每一位顾客提供最安全和最适合的移民、 创业、就业、留学之路。不仅提供直接面谈咨询服务,还通过网站咨询等线上和线下渠道,提供有关《移民法》及相关规定、准备材料、 手续流程等整个过程的专业咨询, 同时提供应对各种情况的解决方案。
ARIS International Lawyers遵守移民局规定的《个人信息处理方针》, 作为法律代理人代办如下签证手续业务。
移民规定、准备材料、流程说明 Advising you on the relevant requirements, relevant laws and procedures);
为成功取得签证的材料准备说明(Advising you on the relevant documents to be submitted in support of your application);
审核提交材料通过的可能性 (Considering the contents of such documents and discussing the same with you);
申请者的优势、劣势说明 Advising you on the weaknesses and strengths of your application; and
根据移民局规定,需要证明申请者满足申请资格条件,为此制作COVER LETTER,说明所提交的材料的目的。 (Preparing a cover letter wherein we will explain in detail how all the relevant requirements of the entry clearance are being satisfied)
填写签证申请表 The completion of the paper or online application form;