The general salary standard for the Skilled Worker visa has been increased from 12 April 2023. This can be speculated to have changed following the rise in the UK national minimum wage level standard (from £9.50 to £10.42 in April 2023).


Minimum salary to apply for a skilled worker visa


In general, the minimum salary level for sponsored workers is set according to the absolute minimum salary level (General Salary Threshold) or the notified ‘going rate' specified in the occupational code relevant to the job. The higher of the two must be paid.


Typically, the minimum skilled worker's General Salary Threshold is £26,200. However, if a worker benefits from 'tradable points' (eg. if a job offer in a shortage occupation or applicants hold a relevant PhD), the minimum salary threshold is currently set at £20,480.


However, other factors may also apply when determining the applicable minimum salary threshold, such as:




What is a tradable Point?


The Immigration Rules outline a number of "tradable points" choices. The relevant rate of salary will depend on the specific tradable points an applicant wishes to rely on. An applicant must receive the highest of the following salary for each option: The relevant general threshold;



The going rate will depend on the occupation code for the role.


Option A

In most cases, applicants fall under 'option A'. The general salary threshold for Option A has been increased to £26,200 per year and £10.75 per hour from 12 April 2023.


Options B and C – Educational Qualifications

Options B and C apply to PhD holders. Option B applies to PhD holders in a subject relevant to the job roles, and Option C applies to PhD holders in STEM subjects.


The general threshold for options B and C is £23,580.


For option B, applicants must meet the minimum salary levels of £23,040 for their salary, 90% of the going rate for the role and £10.75 per hour. For option C, the applicant must show that they meet the going rate for the role, 80% of the salary for the role and £10.70 per hour.


Option D – Shortage Occupations

If the applicant's occupation is in a shortage occupation, the salary level can be applied under Option D.

The general salary threshold under Option D is £20,960. Applicants must show that their salary meets this threshold, 80% of the going rate for the role and £10.75 per hour.


Option E – New Entrants

New entrants to the UK labour market can be paid £20,960 per year, £10.75 per annum and 70% of the going rate for the occupation.


A new entrant is defined as being under the age of 26 at the time of visa application and meeting one of the following conditions:



However, the maximum leave period for new entrants is three years. They must submit a new application if they want to stay in the UK after this time frame. They would no longer be a "new entrant" if continuing along the Skilled Worker route.


Option F – Health and Education-related Occupations

Applicants under Option F must earn at least £20,960 per year and must be paid according to their occupation code.



Calculating salary level based on expected working hours


The salary level must be calculated on an hourly basis and minimum pays can be no less than £10.75 per hour even if the annual salary is above the required level. This means that when considering minimum wage requirements, sponsors must consider minimum hourly wage standards based on working hours.


Salary levels may vary depending on the occupational code list, but are based on 37.5 hours of work per week.



The salary level for ILR application for skilled worker visa holders


Skilled workers who have been granted permission under the Skilled Worker/Tier 2 route for 5 years can apply for settlement. To do so, the following salary requirement must be satisfied:


ARIS International lawyers are experts in UK immigration law who have considerable experience and recognized expertise in advising employers and workers on all aspects of sponsoring and applying for skilled worker visas. Contact us for expert immigration advice on the application process, including Skilled Worker eligibility and salary calculations.